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[FIRSTNAME]您好,Systematic 最新 I.T. 課程推介!

19/11 - MCTS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 認證課程 (070-515)

In this course, you can learn how to use the following to create web applications easily with the following features:

  • Dynamic web pages with the use of JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX.
  • Neat Layout with the use of CSS and Master Page.
  • Validate inputs entered by users.
  • Authenticate user and determine what he can access.
  • Access and update data in a database.

Most of the above can be implemented with web forms controls which can be:

  • included in your web page by simple drag & drop
  • customized to suit your needs with simple program coding in C# or JavaScript.

Advanced programming in C# and JavaScript / JQuery can also be learnt for:

  • creating your own controls for use in different web pages / web applications.
  • handling of data from user inputs or actions such as button-click.
  • storing user inputs temporary (e.g. during a shopping cart checkout process)

Other topics covered include:

  • presenting your pages in multiple languages depending on the user browser settings
  • caching your web page or data from database
  • providing web data with web services or get data from web services
  • error handling in web applications
  • debug web applications and then publish them to web server
  • introduction of writing web applications using ASP.NET MVC

13/11 - VMware vSphere 6.0 實戰課程

16/11 - Java EE 程式編寫深造課程 (主要教授 JAX-RS, JAX-WS 和 JAXB)

28/11 - Scrum Master 國際認可證書課程

20/12 - VMware VCA6 Data Center Virtualization 國際認可證書課程

08/01 - Bootstrap 4 Responsive Mobile 響應式手機網頁設計入門

18/01 - OCP: Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional

13/02 - iPhone 程式開發及編寫課程 (ObjC + Swift)

旺角 電話及地址:2332-6544
九龍旺角亞皆老街 109 號,皆旺商業大廈 18 樓 (港鐵旺角站 D2 出口,2 分鐘到大堂)

觀塘 電話及地址:3563-8425
九龍觀塘成業街 7 號,寧晉中心 12 樓 G2 室 (港鐵觀塘站 B1 出口,2 分鐘到大堂)

北角 電話及地址:3580-1893
香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號,華寶商業大廈 3 樓 01-02 號舖 (港鐵北角站 A2 出口,1 分鐘到大堂)

屯門 電話及地址:3523-1560
屯門屯喜路 2 號,柏麗廣場 17 樓 1708 室
(輕鐵市中心站,步行 4 分鐘到大堂;西鐵屯門站 B 出口,可免費轉乘輕鐵)

Website: http://www.systematic.com.hk

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